A few little owl totems I made this afternoon. The middle one is my favorite.
Tag Archives: clay
Sketch of the Day 12-02
Today was my last chance to do some wheel throwing before the end of the semester, so I spent all afternoon making a bunch of bowls and a sake set!
Sketch of the Day 11-16
Working on handles for my mugs! :>
Sketch of the Day 10-03
Working on a teapot in ceramics!
[nggallery id=25] In my advanced figure drawing class this past semester, we did a short project were we had to sculpt a bust with clay—something I’ve never done before. We were given two class periods to do the project. In the first class, I put together a basic head that I was pretty happy with, …
Sketch of the Day 3-03
Today we drew from the clay busts we made in figure drawing a couple weeks earlier. I had a really fun time with this, playing with tone and color, AND I finally came up with a name for my zombie: “Christina” (or Tina for short, lol).