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About the Project
This four month class project began by picking a brand to redesign and develop a new marketing strategy for. I chose Regina’s Candies, a local business that sells handmade candies.
The project was divided into 4 main phases: Discover, Define, Design, and Develop.
In the Discover phase, I did a lot of research about Regina’s Candies including a verbal and visual audit, where I looked at how Regina’s presents itself in writing (website, signage, print material, etc.) and how it presents itself visually (packaging, imagery, etc.) I did a survey and created a list of Regina’s image attributes, which are the words that people associate with Regina’s Candies.
In the Define phase, I looked at the image attributes and came up with a short list of “desired image attributes”, the attributes I want people to associate with Regina’s Candies. These desired image attributes were: quality, tradition, delightful, and unique. With these words, I created a design criteria chart which describes how each word would be represented in each of the 5 senses. For example, delightful would sound like a xylophone. Design criteria help think outside
In the Design phase, well, I designed. I created the new logo and graphic standards. I made decisions on colors, typefaces, patterns, and photography.
Lastly, in the Develop phase, I made 7 applications to support the marketing strategy I created to reach the new audience.