Well, here it is, henrynahurski.com v3.0 It’s been a long, strange trip. As you may or may not already know, I’ve been in the process of rebuilding my website from the ground-up over the past couple of months. To help explain why, I’ve created a short comic that I think sums it up pretty well.
The basis for this website is based on Paul Bennett’s Viewport WordPress theme, which can be viewed here http://labs.paulicio.us/viewport/ It had the basic functionality I was looking for and could be easily modified to get the look I was after. I’ve streamlined many things from the previous version of the website including: better navigation, removing extraneous information, and a MUCH more robust commenting system thanks to the disqus plugin.
It’s still not completely done, who knows if it ever will be.. But stay tuned as I add more content and announce the return of Sketch of the Day!
P.S. Try typing the Konami Code anywhere on my home page it’s: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a with the arrow keys :D
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